Both marbles start off with the same initial incline and therefore have the same initial kinetic energy. The marble on the top track rides along a horizontal path, while the lower marble has to pass through a dip before reaching the end of the track. Instinctively, people assume the upper marble will reach the end of the track first because it has less distance to travel; however, because of the additional kinetic energy the marble on the lower track gains going down the second incline, it is able to reach the end of the track first.
(1D15.20) High Road Low Road
Both marbles start off with the same initial incline and therefore have the same initial kinetic energy. The marble on the top track rides along a horizontal path, while the lower marble has to pass through a dip before reaching the end of the track. Instinctively, people assume the upper marble will reach the end of the track first because it has less distance to travel; however, because of the additional kinetic energy the marble on the lower track gains going down the second incline, it is able to reach the end of the track first.
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